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From Ink to Pixels: How Our Tattoo Shop Turned into Graphic Designers

The Transformation

Our tattoo shop started out as a small business with a big passion for art. We loved creating intricate designs on skin, but we also knew that our creativity didn’t have to be limited to tattoos. That’s when we decided to expand our services and offer graphic design to our clients.

At first, it was a challenge. We had to learn new software, adjust to a different medium, and find our niche in the design world. But we were up for the task. With the same dedication and skill that we put into our tattoos, we started creating logos, posters, flyers, and even websites for our clients.

Since then, our business has grown and evolved. We’ve worked with a diverse range of clients, from small startups to big corporations, and we’ve tackled a wide variety of design projects. But the one thing that has stayed constant is our commitment to quality and creativity.

The Benefits

You might wonder why you should choose a tattoo shop turned graphic designers over a traditional design agency. Here are a few reasons:

  • We have a unique perspective on design. Our background in tattoos allows us to think outside the box and come up with original ideas.
  • We have a hands-on approach. We don’t just sit behind a computer screen all day. We love to sketch, draw, and experiment with different materials to bring our designs to life.
  • We have a personal touch. When you work with us, you’re not just a client, you’re a partner. We listen to your needs, understand your vision, and collaborate with you to create a design that exceeds your expectations.

The Results

Don’t just take our word for it. Here are some of the projects that we’re most proud of:

  • A branding package for a new coffee shop that included a logo, business cards, and packaging design. The coffee shop received rave reviews for its modern and eye-catching look.
  • A website for a fitness coach that not only looked great but also had all the functionality and features that the coach needed to run his business smoothly.
  • A series of posters for a music festival that captured the essence of the event and attracted a record-breaking number of attendees.

We believe that our designs speak for themselves. They’re bold, unique, and tailored to each client’s needs. So if you’re ready to take your branding, marketing, or website to the next level, we’re here to help.

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From Tattoos to Graphics: Our Journey as a Tattoo Shop Turned Graphic Designers


When we started out as a tattoo shop, we never imagined that we would one day become graphic designers. But life has a way of throwing surprises at us, and we are grateful for the unexpected turn our business has taken. Today, we are proud to offer high-quality graphic design services to our clients.

In this blog post, we want to share our journey with you and give you a glimpse into the world of graphics.

Section 1: Our Transition from Tattoos to Graphics

It all began when a client approached us with a unique request. They wanted a logo designed that would be tattooed on their body. We were intrigued by the challenge and decided to take it up. The client was thrilled with the result, and that got us thinking.

We started exploring the world of graphic design and soon realized that we had a natural flair for it. We began to offer logo design services to our clients, and the response was overwhelming. This gave us the confidence to expand our services and venture into other areas of graphic design.

Section 2: Our Design Philosophy

Our design philosophy is simple – we believe that every design should tell a story. Whether it’s a logo or a brochure, we want our designs to communicate the essence of the brand and connect with its target audience.

We also believe in the power of collaboration. We work closely with our clients to understand their vision and create designs that exceed their expectations. Our goal is to not just meet but exceed our clients’ expectations.

Section 3: Our Services

We offer a wide range of graphic design services, including logo design, brochure design, website design, and more. We specialize in creating designs that are not just aesthetically pleasing but also functional and effective.

We use the latest design tools and techniques to create high-quality designs that stand out. Our designs are tailored to our clients’ specific needs, and we work tirelessly to ensure that they are satisfied with the end result.


Our journey from a tattoo shop to graphic designers has been an exciting one. We are proud of the work we have done so far, and we are excited about the possibilities that lie ahead. We hope that you have enjoyed reading about our journey and that you will consider us for your next design project.

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From Tattoo Shop to Graphic Design Firm: The Evolution of Our Creative Journey

The Beginnings…

It all started with a needle and ink. Our team began as a humble tattoo shop, creating unique designs on our clients’ skin. But as time passed, we realized that our passion for art extended beyond the realm of tattoos. We wanted to explore new mediums, and graphic design caught our attention.

With a lot of hard work and determination, we transitioned from a tattoo shop to a full-fledged graphic design firm. And let us tell you, it’s been one heck of a journey!

Our Creative Process

At our core, we are artists. We believe that design is not only about creating something aesthetically pleasing, but also about conveying a message and creating an emotional connection with the viewer. That’s why we approach every project with a unique perspective and a lot of passion.

Our creative process begins with a deep understanding of our client’s needs and goals. We take the time to communicate with them and gather as much information as possible. Then, we brainstorm and sketch out initial ideas. We refine those ideas until we have something that we feel confident in presenting to our client. Once the design is approved, we bring it to life using the latest technology and design tools.

The Future of Our Firm

We are excited about the future of our firm and the possibilities that lie ahead. We believe that design is a constantly evolving field, and we are committed to staying ahead of the curve. We are always looking for new ways to push the boundaries of creativity and innovation.

But at the end of the day, our goal remains the same. We want to create high-quality, visually stunning designs that help our clients achieve their goals. Whether it’s a new logo, website, or social media campaign, we are ready to take on any challenge.

So, if you’re looking for a team of passionate, creative professionals to help you bring your vision to life, look no further. We are here to help.